Message from the President


I am Tatsuya Fujisawa, President and Representative Director of Takakita Corporation, effective on April 1, 2024. Since our foundation in 1912, Takakita has devoted ourselves to the modernization of agriculture as a comprehensive manufacturer of agricultural machinery. We are developing innovative technologies and products based on our philosophy of bringing the rich blessing of natural resources and the earth to all people.

Today, we are faced with various issues such as global population growth, global environmental conservation, and food self-sufficiency. We face these issues with our unique values evaluation and aim to build a frame base for sustainable agricultural base through our corporate activities. We also believe that our social mission is to create new technologies and products that can contribute to whole society, and to provide products and services that exceed our customers’ expectations.

Toward the fiscal year ending March 31, 2033, on which marks the 120th anniversary of our founding, we formulate a new long-term management plan, “Offensive120” in 2023. This mission embodies our vision of “Contribution,” “Trust,” and “Customer Satisfaction (CS)” as Takakita should be, and while maintaining the domestic agricultural machinery business as our core business, we will expand and develop into overseas markets and aim to penetrate global niche markets with the Takakita brand. Through this long-term management plan, we will work toward our goal of creating more social value as one company and delivering the blessing of the earth to all people. We will continue to meet your expectations and take on further challenges, and we sincerely ask for your continued support and guidance from now on.

Long-term Management Plan Slogan: ” Persistence in Achieving Goals, Challenge to the Next Generation, Offensive120″

Tatsuya Fujisawa